
WILSHIRE : Group Solicits Shoes of Gunshot Victims

Women Against Gun Violence, a local group involved in a national effort to educate families about the dangers of having guns in the home and push for tighter restrictions on firearm sales, is collecting shooting victims’ shoes for a Sept. 20 “Silent March” display in Washington.

The organization is urging local residents who have had a family member die as a result of gunshot wounds to turn in a pair of the victim’s shoes at any one of six Southland collection centers, personalized with a note explaining how gun violence affected the family, or with a photo of the victim. A donation of $2 for shipping costs is also requested.

Victims’ shoes from across the country will be put on display around the Capitol Reflecting Pool when Congress reconvenes for the fall.


“The whole idea is to put Congress on notice in a very visual way,” said Anne Reiss Lane, who coordinates the Los Angeles effort from Hancock Park. “Our mission is to change the way people think about guns.”

Local collection points are at the Korean Youth and Community Center, 680 S. Wilton Place, and at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 4182 S. Western Ave. Centers are also located in Lynwood, Wilmington, Montebello and the Westside. The deadline to turn in shoes is Wednesday.

Information: Kristina Choi at (213) 365-7400, Ext. 112.; SCLC at (213) 295-8582.
