
BURBANK : Vapor System Safety Will Be Addressed

A public meeting will be held Oct. 5 in Burbank to discuss a controversial plan for building a “vapor extraction system” that would emit potentially cancer-causing substances, but clean up contaminated soil at the former site of Lockheed’s B-1 plant.

The meeting was announced Monday by the South Coast Air Quality Management District in response to complaints from nearby residents.

The plan calls for the installation of about 200 wells next year that will release up to 44 pounds a day of vapors from chemicals, such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform, once used to degrease airplane parts.


Air-quality officials have determined that the project, to be built at 1705 Victory Place, complies with regulations for air pollution control. They say there is less than one chance in 100,000 that anyone would develop cancer from breathing the carcinogens.

The meeting will be from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Burbank Airport Hilton.
