
Fullerton Should Heed Covina’s Fate

With a special City Council election looming as the result of the recent recall of three members of that body in Fullerton who voted to impose a measly 2% utilities tax, those who were so hellbent on that action would do well to heed the sorry fate of Covina.

A year ago Covina residents recalled their entire City Council for imposing a 6% utility tax.

The upshot?

Those recall supporters who replaced the Covina council recently were forced to impose an 8% utility tax to meet a $2.8-million budget shortfall. The alternatives was to lay off 77 city employees, including police officers and firemen, and to close the city library.


So, beware, Fullerton. The recall slate in this city is just as irresponsible as those in Covina.

They are especially irresponsible in their desire to eliminate the city Redevelopment Agency. Contrary to their nonsensical claims that the agency costs the city, the reverse is true.

The agency provides $2.23 million annually in revenues to the city’s general fund.


