
PENINSULA : Incidents of Vandalism, Fire Damage Library

Two apparent acts of vandalism have disrupted the Palos Verdes Peninsula library and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

On Sunday evening, a custodian dropping off books at the closed Peninsula Center Library noticed that lights that are normally left on were off, said Nancy Mahr, a library spokeswoman.

An investigation revealed that the metal door to the electrical room had been pried open, the power had been shut off and a 1/2-inch bundle of cables had been cut. Three to four circuit breakers, which will cost $500 to $2,000 to replace, were stolen, Mahr said.


Mahr said electrical damage closed the main library Monday, and caused telephone and computer disruptions at the two branch libraries Tuesday.

In addition, on Sept. 28 about 3 p.m., someone apparently set fire to a paper towel dispenser in the restroom of the Peninsula Center Library. The blaze spread to a nearby plastic trash can.

Signs in the library at 650 Deep Valley Drive, which is being renovated, warn that the automatic sprinkler system has been shut down. Firefighters extinguished the fire, which produced a dense, black smoke and forced the evacuation of about 50 patrons, Mahr said. Damage was estimated at $1,000, Mahr said.


The Sheriff’s Department arson squad is investigating the fire.

Mahr said the two incidents do not appear to be related.
