
CARSON : City Withdraws From Library Tax District

Carson has pulled out of the special district formed by Los Angeles County to fund public libraries.

The council voted 4 to 0 Tuesday to rescind a resolution it passed last month that allowed the county to create a special district to tax each property owner $28.50 per year for library services. Councilwoman Kay A. Calas did not attend the meeting.

After Carson approved the new assessment, the county discovered it may have additional funds in its budget. However, the supervisors have not committed to using the extra money for libraries.


“The City Council felt the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors had not, at this point, acted in good faith,” Councilwoman Mary Anne O’Neal said Wednesday.

Because the county set a deadline for participating in the district and Carson had asked to be included at that time, residents may have to pay the fee this year.

“We may be taxed this time. We’re trying to see if we can avoid that,” said Mayor Michael I. Mitoma.


Because the council is displeased with library services, Mitoma said, the city might try to form its own library system.

“There’s no question on the council that the library is one of our most important services, especially for kids,” Mitoma said.

O’Neal said that if the county suddenly had no library funding, the city might rejoin the special district.


“If at some time it turns out that they don’t have the money, I am sure that we will listen,” O’Neal said. “We just don’t want them to use that money for something else.”
