
Topics / EVENTS : 1.3 Million Visited 67th County Fair

The 67th Los Angeles County Fair closed Sunday after a 24-day run that attracted 1.3 million visitors, about 3% fewer than last year.

Admission prices were the same as last year’s.

In 1992, after admission prices increased, attendance fell by 23% compared with the previous year. Admission prices in 1992 had increased from $8 to $10 for adults, from $5 to $6 for children, and from $6 to $7 for seniors.

When prices were rolled back in 1993, attendance rebounded to 1.4 million--a 12% increase over the previous year. This year’s attendance was 9% higher than 1992, when the fair had 1.2 million visitors, but this was still lower than the all-time high of 1.6 million, set in 1991.


Fair officials said this year’s fair was the safest in years, with only minor accidents and crimes reported. This year’s fair also had more entertainment than ever before.

This year’s fair, themed “The Big Howdy,” was the first in 16 years to be held without President and Chief Executive Officer Ralph M. Hinds, who died July 30.

Fair officials also announced a permanent theme for all future fairs, rather than creating a new theme each year. Starting in 1995, the fair’s permanent theme will be “America’s Fair.” Fair officials said it has been difficult to choose a theme each year that encompasses all the fair’s various activities and sub-themes.


Tentative dates for next year’s fair are Sept. 8-Oct. 1.
