

DUARTE: Northview Middle School’s “Back to School Night” has received its first computer for students, thanks to parent/teacher association fund-raising efforts. The fully loaded 486 computer will enable students to animate, edit and save video in the school’s video yearbook department.

With proceeds from future fund-raising events, the group hopes to put computers in the library and art department.

The Duarte Unified School District will hold its second staff development release day on Friday. There will be no classes, but the Head Start/State Preschool and extended day care will be open.


HACIENDA-LA PUENTE: The Hacienda-La Puente Adult Education program is offering free citizenship preparation and basic literacy classes five days a week. Interested adults can drop by the Fairgrove Campus in La Puente, 15540 Fairgove Ave., Room 12, between 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. any weekday for small-group instruction or individualized tutoring.

Instruction is now available in English or Spanish and will also be made available for adults who speak Asian languages. Information: (818) 855-3543.

POMONA: California State University’s board of trustees and California Community Colleges’ board of governors hosted their first joint meeting Wednesday at Cal Poly Pomona.


At the two-day event, whose theme was “Advancing Our Partnership for Student Success,” board members discussed issues of common concern, such as student financial aid, credit transfers and emerging technological links between school systems.

ROSEMEAD: Father Nicholas J. Reina, president of Don Bosco Technical Institute, has been named Hispanic Educator of the Year at the high school level by Hispanic Engineer magazine.

Reina, a 1965 Institute graduate, will receive the award at the annual Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference next week in Texas. He will also be introduced during the “Salute to Hispanic Excellence” ceremony, which will be televised this winter.


Reina, who has worked at the institute for 13 years and has been president since 1985, is being recognized for his overall contributions to the engineering and science fields.
