
DANA POINT : Headlands Measures to Be Luncheon Topic

The Chamber of Commerce is holding a “Hike to the Headlands” luncheon Monday to inform residents about two key local initiatives on the Nov. 8 ballot.

If approved, Measure C and Measure D would allow a $500-million hotel and residential development on the Dana Point Headlands, 121 acres of coastal land.

The City Council voted in April to approve the development, saying it was a worthy project that would generate much-needed revenue.


Opponents, however, contend that the development is too extensive for one of the last major undeveloped coastal properties in the county. They circulated a petition and gathered enough signatures to force a citywide vote.

Staff from one of the landowners, the Newport Beach-based M.H. Sherman Co., will be available to answer questions. The other landowner is the Pasadena-based Chandis Securities Co., a partnership that has owned the property since the 1940s. (Chandis Securities, a firm that oversees the financial holdings of the Chandler family, is a major stockholder in Times Mirror Co., publisher of the Los Angeles Times.)

Reservations are necessary for the hourlong walk. The charge is $12 charge per person. The luncheon starts at noon. For reservations, call (714) 496-1555.
