
Breast Cancer

First I cried, second I got angry and third I did something.

I cried because my wife died of breast cancer, I got angry because of her treatment options--surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, or to quote Dr. Susan Love, “slash, burn and poison.” I did something by joining a group of remarkable women, the Los Angeles Breast Cancer Alliance. These women are dedicated to the eradication of this scourge.

It is ironic that the headline on an editorial (Oct. 5) was “Living Legacy,” which was the theme of the “2nd Annual War Mammorial Exhibit” held at the Federal Building Oct. 1-2. It was a moving, exhilarating experience to join together with caring individuals that are committed to ending this epidemic.

Anyone who has been touched by this disease should know that it affects the whole family. And no one should look upon this as a women’s issue.



Santa Monica
