
NORTHRIDGE : Disability Workshop to Be Held at CSUN

Cal State Northridge will host a workshop this month for employers who want to learn about the Americans With Disabilities Act.

“Workforce 2000: Increasing Diversity in the Workplace” will take place Oct. 27, said Terri Goldstein, a spokeswoman for the school.

The morning seminar covers tax breaks and other incentives available to those who employ people with disabilities and also to those who remove architectural barriers or provide other special accommodations in the workplace.


The Internal Revenue Service, state Employment Development Department and other organizations will send representatives.

In the afternoon, employers can meet with people with disabilities so the employers can learn about their specific problems, said Goldstein.

The event is hosted by the Students with Disabilities Internship Project, the Center on Disabilities, National Center on Deafness and the Office of Disabled Student Services.


To register or obtain further information and times, call Goldstein at 885-3148 or 885-3066.
