
To hear “Can’t Get No Satisfaction,” punch...

To hear “Can’t Get No Satisfaction,” punch 1: The Rolling Stones had launched into a tune at the Rose Bowl when a spectator pulled out her portable phone and dialed a friend. Then she held up the phone and pointed it toward the stage. “He’s a big Stones fan, but he couldn’t make it to the concert,” she explained to a seat-mate. “Next best thing.”


The search continues: Here are more suggestions from readers in their noble quest to find a name for the studio created by Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

* The Three Egos (Zachary Charles, Rodney Simard, Aaron Wolfe, who all offered variations on that theme.)


* Ft. Knox Studios (Patricia Hayes)

* We Are the World, Inc. (Mark Miller)

* 800-Pound Gorilla Studios (“As in, they can name it whatever they want and build it wherever they want.”) (Loren Lester)

* “Once there was a studio called Miracle Productions, which had the corporate slogan, ‘If it’s a fine movie, it’s a Miracle,”’ writes David Danziger. “For some strange reason the firm failed. The name is now available to the current triumvirate.”


All wet: An ad for bathroom tissue caught the eye--but not the fancy--of Pat Garrett of Studio City, Pat Davey of Northridge and Marguerite Olsen of West Hills.



Material for the next “I Hate Cats” book: Mike Calzone of Whittier, meanwhile, found an area where extreme measures are required when parking one’s feline.

Reassuring news: The other day we speculated that the Los Angeles Police Department requires a bit of backup help at its substation in the Larchmont area. We were referring to the Westec Security sticker in the substation’s front window.

Well, we’re happy to report that crime hasn’t become that bad. An LAPD spokesman wrote to say that the department requires no such assistance--the sticker merely “shows the cooperation between the private security patrols which service the community and the Los Angeles Police Department.”


How did the FBI miss this one?After the selection of the princesses who will comprise the Royal Court for the 1995 Tournament of Roses Parade, the outraged Pasadena Weekly said: “Congrats to all the members who hail from San Marino, Arcadia, La Canada and South Pasadena. Is it just us or is something missing here? Like maybe someone from PASADENA? Maybe they should start calling themselves the San Marino Tournament of Roses.”


Back to the Stones: A couple of ex-youths from the ‘60s sat in the sold-out Rose Bowl in San Marino--excuse us, Pasadena. They were surrounded by tens of thousands of fans--fans in the seats, fans milling around in the aisles, fans clogging the tunnels.

Once, the atmosphere would have electrified the two Baby Boomers. Now, as they surveyed the scene, one of them remarked: “Hey, man, if either of us had a heart attack, we’d never get out of here.”

miscelLAny Tuition for the 1994-95 year at USC is $17,230, not to mention $6,482 for room and board. When the school opened in 1880, tuition was $24 to $30 per year. Of course, there weren’t as many scholarships back then.
