
LOS ANGELES : Lead Warning Issued for Mexican Lollipops

State and county health officials are working to keep a brand of Mexican lollipops that may contain toxic lead levels off store shelves, according to state Health Director Kim Belshey.

Vero Rebanaditos, Vero Mango and Vero Elotes are all dark brown, walnut-size “suckers” and are wrapped in clear, red and yellow cellophane. They are found primarily in stores that serve Latino communities, Belshey said.

Officials believe one child already has been poisoned by the lead in some of the lollipops, Belshey said, adding that the candy’s wrappers could be just as toxic.


Lead is poisonous to people, especially infants and small children, and can permanently damage the central nervous system, resulting in learning deficiencies and other long-term health problems, Belshey said.

Pregnant women who consume lead may harm their unborn children, Belshey said.
