
OC HIGH: STUDENT NEWS AND VIEWS : inline : Healthy Knowledge

Wondering what to make of national health-care reform?

Knowledge is power, says Rock the Vote, a national organization committed to helping young people become more informed about political issues.

A comprehensive guide to health-care issues has been compiled by the group and is available at locations such as record stores.

Nicolas Butterworth, executive director of the group’s education fund, says the book is “strictly nonpartisan. It’s for Republicans, Democrats, Independents, everyone. . . . This book should help you cut through the garbage and look for the truth.”


And why should the usually healthy younger generation care about health reform?

There are issues, says Butterworth, that need to be addressed right now: pregnancy, socially transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, mental health and violence. Each is addressed in separate sections of the booklet. Also included are results of a survey on what the younger generation thinks about health care and health-care reform.

Copies of the guide are also available by calling 1 (800) ROCK-VOTE.

Making the Grade

Just about everyone had something to say as the grade-changing incident at Brea Olinda High School unfolded: attorneys, counselors, school administrators, parents.

So what do students think? The Wildcat, the school paper, asked students about the scandal.


* “Injustices happen all the time. We need to pick up and move on and remember that we’re still a great school,” said one.

* “I was shocked,” said another. “I think it was and still is a disgrace, not only for the students and administrators that were involved, but also for our school.”

* “I don’t believe this is a reflection on the majority of students and the staff on campus. Hopefully those who dealt with the grade changes will learn from this mistake and we’ll be better off for that,” added another.
