
Praise for Ed McSpedon

I had the privilege of serving as a commissioner on the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission from 1985-1989. During that time, we were very actively involved in building the Blue Line from Los Angeles to Long Beach and in planning and starting construction on the Metro Green Line; I was a member of the committees that directly oversaw the commission’s construction activities.

Based on this experience, I do have concern over the press’ treatment of the issues and the individuals involved. While I do not wish to minimize any concerns over the current subway difficulties, your paper should also recognize and call attention to the many professional awards and acknowledgments that have been awarded to the MTA and the Los Angeles rail construction program. I feel that many of these honors have been due to the professional skill and conduct of Ed McSpedon, who has been treated most harshly by the press.

I had the opportunity to work closely with McSpedon as he assumed responsibility for the commission’s rail construction activities. From my personal perspective, I would like to convey that, during this entire four-year period, I found McSpedon to be a person of great personal and professional integrity. He was candid with the commissioners and brought issues of concern to our attention in a timely and forthright manner. His sensitivity and professional expertise saw us through the many difficulties that are inherent in any major construction effort and helped to bring rail service to the Los Angeles region in a timely manner. He truly earned the professional respect of the commission members, his own staff, and the engineering profession.


I think that it is important for a paper such as yours to present a major effort such as the rail construction program in an unbiased light. Yes, the project has had difficulties; but find me any major (or minor) construction effort that has been completed without them. The people in Los Angeles do need to know that there are dedicated and capable professionals working to build a quality rail transportation network that will serve our region for many years and that their efforts have earned peer recognition.


Woodland Hills
