
VILLA PARK : Report Shows City Recycles 27% of Trash

This 6,400-population city generates 27.2 tons of trash a day but also is recycling more than a fourth of that amount, according to a report approved by the City Council.

The council, complying with a state law that requires cities to outline plans for reducing solid waste, approved a report that details the city’s trash situation.

State law requires cities to reduce solid waste by 25% by 1995. The Villa Park report showed that the city is already diverting, or recycling for other use, 27% of its daily trash.


The city’s garbage collection contract is with Taormina Industries of Anaheim. That firm has a facility in Anaheim that sorts waste and recovers usable products, such as cardboard, paper and metals. The Taormina facility currently recycles an average of 7.4 tons of the daily trash output of Villa Park, according to the City Council’s report.

The council received the trash-analysis report during a public hearing last week on the city’s plans for solid-waste recovery. No residents showed up to testify on the matter, and the council, after brief discussion, unanimously approved its report to the state.
