
Residents to Honor Post-Quake Effort

In an attempt to recognize the hard work and good deeds of thousands of San Fernando Valley residents during and since the Jan. 17 Northridge earthquake, a group of residents has organized a day of celebration and ceremony honoring a vast cross-section of the community.

Scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Balboa Recreation Center, “San Fernando Rebuilds” will include celebrity participation in softball, volleyball, basketball, raffles, picnics and door prizes.

The event is not open to the general public, however. Local chambers of commerce, Kiwanis and other service organizations were asked to identify leaders who dedicated time and resources to help the community rebound from the quake. Invitations are being mailed to more than 2,500 local residents.


Mayor Richard Riordan is scheduled to appear. He will be thanked for his work in providing a $300-million housing loan package for those who were uninsured or underinsured when the temblor struck.

Each of those invited to the event will receive a special gift package provided by local businesses and other corporations. More than 5,000 compact discs will be distributed by Motown. Other merchandise and gift certificates will be provided by Pep Boys and McDonald’s, according to Horace L. Walker, co-chairman of the event.
