
Political Scorecard

5 days to go before Californians go to the polls


* What Happened Wednesday: Democrat Kathleen Brown boarded buses and planes for a 29-hour campaign marathon. She appeared Wednesday in Sacramento, Emeryville, Hayward, San Jose, San Diego and Los Angeles. She suggested that Wilson had a “secret” plan to implement Proposition 187. Wilson spoke to Asian American leaders in San Francisco’s Chinatown and released two television ads touting his record on crime, jobs, immigration and taxes.

* What’s Ahead: Brown will continue her tour with stops in Bakersfield, Fresno, Merced, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Wilson will hold an anti-crime rally in Hollywood with relatives of crime victims and will appear at a Palm Desert rally for congressional and legislative candidates.


* What Happened Wednesday: Republican candidate Mike Huffington spoke at Town Hall in Los Angeles. Feinstein appeared in Orange County and the Inland Empire.


* What’s Ahead: Feinstein has scheduled events in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco that will focus on women voters. Huffington scheduled no public events.


“I took full responsibility . . . and that should not be lost in all of this other stuff coming out. But when is Mrs. Feinstein going to take responsibility for making San Francisco a sanctuary (for illegal immigrants) . . . that was for ten thousands and thousands of people. At least I paid our person with private funds. All of these other people that came into San Francisco that Mrs. Feinstein let in, they went on social welfare services that the taxpayers paid for.”

--Mike Huffington, continuing to defend his hiring of an illegal immigrant as a nanny.


Democratic state chairman Bill Press stunned a San Bernardino audience to silence when he said that he was “sick and tired” of people who sneak across the border into California in the dark of night, refuse to pay California taxes and take advantage of state services. It sounded frighteningly like a Republican speaking in favor of Proposition 187, the ballot measure to cut off services to illegal immigrants that Press and other Democrats oppose. The silence was broken with hearty laughter, however, when Press continued: “But enough about Mike Huffington. . . .”
