
GOINGS ON : Woman’s Busy Life Inspires Musical : Documentary series, a Southern parody and third annual Festival of the Arthropods are also on tap.


A young woman working a second job, raising two teen-agers, handling a flirtatious IRS agent threatening seizure of all assets and dealing with the return of a childhood sweetheart--now that’s busy. It’s also “Bizzzy! The Musical,” which has its world premiere tonight and runs through Nov. 20 at Santa Barbara’s Center Stage Theater.

“Bizzzy” is being produced by Morning Star Entertainment and Premiere Musical Productions. Show times are at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 4 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $10 for tonight’s preview show and $14 (general), $12 (senior citizens and students) and $10 (children under 12) for all other shows. Call 963-0408. The theater is on the second level of the Paseo Nuevo shopping center, at Chapala and De La Guerra streets.


UC Santa Barbara’s “Real Life” documentary series will continue Friday with Victor Masayesva Jr.’s “Imagining Indians.” Through interviews, archival footage and photographs, the Hopi filmmaker looks at Native American tradition and culture, and their commercialization, particularly in the motion picture industry. Masayesva will be on hand to discuss his work. The movie will begin at 7 p.m. at the UCSB Isla Vista Theater, 960 Embarcadero del Norte. General admission is $5 at the door. Call 893-3535 for information.



Seaside Theatre Company of Carpinteria will present “Murder in the Magnolias” Friday through Nov. 27 at the Carpinteria Arts and Lecture Center. Featuring such characters as Col. Rance Chickenwing, Blanche Du Blank, Lawyer Possum and Sheriff Billy Jerk, the play is a Southern parody and murder rolled into one. Show times are 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Nov. 6 and 27. There will be no show Thanksgiving Day. Tickets are $9. Call 684-6380. The Arts and Lecture Center is at 5141 Carpinteria Ave.


Hissing cockroaches, potato-sized beetles, silkworm moths with six-inch wingspans. They and their fellow creepers and crawlers will star in the third annual Festival of the Arthropods, Saturday and Sunday at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

Local and exotic insect collections--including one featuring tarantulas from around the world--will be on display, and bug slide shows will be presented throughout the weekend. Of course, if guests get hungry, there will be plenty of food available: dry roasted insects, “Licket Crickets” and the ever-popular Beetle Bars.


The festival will run 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Admission to the museum is $5 (adults), $4 (teen-agers and senior citizens) and $3 (children). The museum is at 2559 Puesta del Sol Road. Call 682-4711 for information.


Performance artist Rachel Rosenthal will take a serious, but humorous look at aging and death, pollution and the need to save the planet in her one-woman, three-character show “L.O.W. in Gaia,” at 8 p.m. Saturday at UCSB’s Campbell Hall. L.O.W. stands for Loner on Wheels, one of her characters, who travels by van to the Mojave Desert to reconnect with the environment. General admission is $11, $13 and $16. Call 893-3535.


Poet / author Robert Bly and John Densmore, former drummer for The Doors, will team up Saturday at the Arlington Theatre for an evening of poetry and music dubbed “The Divinity and the Feminine.” Bly, best known for his promotion of the “men’s movement,” will share his thoughts on people’s feminine side, backed by Densmore’s drumming. The presentation will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 (preferred), $15 (general), $12 (students and senior citizens). There are also $100 tickets for preferred seating and a gala reception. Call (800) 800-4408 or 583-8700. The Arlington is at 1317 State St.



The Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Heiichiro Ohyama, will open its 1994-95 season Tuesday night at the Lobero Theatre. The program will include Bach’s “Chaconne,” Mozart’s Symphony No. 36 in C Major and Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Opus 58, with piano soloist Paul Berkowitz. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $14 to $27. The Lobero is at 33 E. Canon. Call 687-7820.


Performers of traditional Native American music, storytelling and dance of the Lakota, Zuni Pueblo, Yup’ik Eskimo and Cherokee cultures will share the stage at UCSB’s Campbell Hall on Wednesday in “From Plains to Pueblos.”

The show will feature performances by Kevin Locke, Lakota hoop dancer and flutist; Fernando Cellicion and the Cellicion Traditional Zuni Singers, who perform on drums and rattles, and present traditional Zuni dances; Chuna McIntyre, who will dance and sing traditional pieces of the Yup’ik Eskimos, and storyteller Gayle Ross, a descendant of John Ross, former chief of the Cherokee Nation. Show time is 8 p.m. General admission is $11, $13 and $16. Call 893-3535.
