
OXNARD : Man, 66, Dies After Being Hit by Truck

A 66-year-old Oxnard man died Friday after being struck by a truck while crossing a street not far from his home in La Colonia, authorities said.

Antonio Bravo Santellano died from multiple head injuries at 6:30 a.m. in St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard, Deputy Coroner Jim Wingate said.

Santellano arrived at the hospital early Thursday after a pickup truck, driven by Ramon Call, struck him as he crossed the street in an Oxnard crosswalk at Colonia Road and Oxnard Boulevard, Oxnard Police Officer Don Mulville said.


It is unclear which direction Santellano was walking when he was hit, Mulville said. Call told police he did not see Santellano until it was too late.

Call, 60, of Fontana was questioned and released, Mulville said.

Santellano has no known relatives in Ventura County, Wingate said. Santellano’s house mates at an alcohol recovery home in La Colonia said he had mentioned relatives in Mexico, but had left no names or phone numbers.
