
POP : Do You Hear What We Hear? : Prick up your antlers: Calendar’s annual recordings guide is here to help you sift through the year’s notable pop, jazz, classical, children’s and holiday music--and the best of the box sets. : Separating Best Bets From Lumps of Coal

Calendar’s pop staff surveys 40 of the nation’s most popular or critically acclaimed albums :

*** BLACK CROWES, “Amorica,” American. Still standing proud in their flare-bottoms, the Crowes offer dated fashions, snotty poses and an engaging, exhilarating celebration of the rock ‘n’ roll groove.

*** 1/2 JIMMY PAGE & ROBERT PLANT, “No Quarter,” Atlantic. The diversity of the players here encourages Page and Plant to vigorously reinvent several of their Led Zeppelin classics.


Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor), two stars (fair), three stars (good, recommended) and four stars (excellent). A rating of five stars is reserved for reissues or retrospectives.
