
Ezell Ad Says Illegal Immigrants Tainted State’s Vote

Associated Press

Harold Ezell, a co-author of Proposition 187, has launched a radio ad campaign contending that widespread voting by illegal immigrants tainted California’s Nov. 8 election.

The ads are partly financed by Republican Senate candidate Mike Huffington, who blames voting by illegal immigrants for his narrow loss to Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

“There has been voting by non-citizens,” Ezell said Tuesday. “We have affidavits from non-citizens who said they did vote. We have enough evidence to prove a total breakdown in the (voting) system in California.”


Ezell and Huffington have not provided any proof of voting by non-citizens.

“There is not a scintilla of evidence presented with respect to voter fraud,” said acting Secretary of State Tony Miller, the state’s top elections officer. “We have not found any evidence whatsoever that people voted illegally.” Miller said his office is investigating the allegations.

The radio ads say: “There is evidence the recent election of California was riddled with illegal alien voting and absentee-voter fraud.” It asks listeners who “know of suspicious activity” to call an 800 number.

The commercial is running in Los Angeles, San Diego, Kern, Fresno and Sacramento counties. Proposition 187 denies public schooling, social services and non-emergency health care to illegal immigrants.
