
Posting Good Cheer

It’s that time of year when the world falls in love and there’s peace and joy across the land.


Looking for some actions--and recalling that the post office can be dreadful in December--on Saturday at 10 a.m. we dispatched eight reporters throughout Southern California. Clutching the same small parcels, their mission was to discover: How is it, really?

After all, this is the final week of the Annual Run on the Post Office--when mad dashes are made to get Christmas cards, Christmas-tree shaped butter cookies and heavy-as-a-Christmas-tree fruitcakes to friends and loved ones.


We wanted tales of lines snaking out the door, around the corner, down the street and straigh to the state line. We wanted ugly.

Instead we got proof that it is, indeed, that time of year.

(P.S.: Of our eigtparcels--all of whih cost $2.59 to send--the two mailed from Orange County were the first to arrive at our designated Massachusetts address on Monday. L’Orange may be broke, but it can still deliver the goods.)
