
ORANGE COUNTY IN BANKRUPTCY : Members Have Their Privileges

Some of the perks and benefits that go along with being an Orange County supervisor, administrative officer or auditor:

Annual Salaries

* Chief administrative officer: $140,941

* Auditor: $104,582

* Board members: $82,056

Other Benefits

* Car allowance: If hired or elected before March 15, 1993, monthly allowance is $715 or a county leased, insured car. If hired or elected after, monthly allowance is $465 or a county leased, insured car.

* Gasoline allowance: Unlimited, in addition to car allowance

* Health: $350 to $550 monthly, depending on plan selected

* Dental: $56 per month

* Physical: $450 per year to spend for voluntary physical examination

* Vacation: Board members get unlimited vacation days each year. County administrative officer and auditor each get 25 days per year.


* Optional benefits: $3,500 per year under the Management Optional Benefit Plan. This money can be used for any reason, including office supplies, trade publications, etc.

Source: County of Orange
