
22 Openings to Be Filled on Fullerton Panels


Applicants are being sought to fill vacant seats on several city advisory commissions, boards and committees.

City officials report there are 22 vacancies on eight of the groups: one on the Airport Noise and Safety Committee, two on the Arboretum Authority, six on the Bicycle Users Subcommittee, two on the Community Services Commission, four on the Energy and Resource Management Committee, two on the Library Board of Trustees, three on the East Fullerton Redevelopment PAC (Project Area Committee) and two on the Redevelopment Design Review Committee.

Applications are available at City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave., and must be completed and returned by 5 p.m. Jan. 20.


Members of the city groups, except the East Fullerton Redevelopment PAC and the Bicycle Users Subcommittee, must be Fullerton residents. People who live or own property or a business in the project area may apply for the vacancies on the East Fullerton Redevelopment PAC committee, and anyone who lives or works in the city may apply for the seats on the Bicycle Users Subcommittee.

The groups advise or make recommendations to the City Council on policies, projects, recreation, safety and other programs.

Information: call (714) 738-6311.
