
Youth/ News for the 18-and-younger crowd


200 Students Finish Tutoring Program

Nearly 200 schoolchildren and college students recently completed a new program called ASK (Active Students for Kids) at the local Boys and Girls Club.

ASK pairs at-risk youths with college students for one-on-one academic tutoring. The tutoring sessions last nine weeks.

Boys and Girls Club officials said the program was developed in response to a need for role models and a need for supplemental academic programs for children.


Teachers have reported an improvement in their students’ grades and a boost in their self-confidence, officials said.

For more information, call (714) 525-8241.


Low-Cost Dental Care Offered to Children

Children of low-income, uninsured families can receive low-cost dental care and community education programs at Las Lomas Elementary School.

The programs are sponsored by Friends of Children Health Center. The PacifiCare Foundation donated $156,000 to the effort.


The programs will focus on disease-prevention issues. It will also provide dental screenings to children and their families, officials said.

The center, which is asking dentists to volunteer, opened a year ago and has served more than 3,000 patients 19 and younger.

Many of the services are free or offered at a reduced cost to low-income families near Las Lomas school.


Such services are provided through donations and grants from local institutions, businesses and service clubs.

For more information, call (310) 905-3009.


Baby-Sitting Classes Offered at Center

Two classes on baby-sitting will be offered by the city’s Community Services Department.

The classes will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, and on Feb. 11. Course material will include activities for children, safety tips, infant care and other topics.

The fee for each class is $15. A certificate of completion will be issued to successful participants.

For information and class registration, call the Community Services Department at (714) 724-6610.

Also, the Community Services Department is sponsoring a theater class for children to present their own production of “Charlotte’s Web.” It will be offered Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Feb. 11 through March 11, at Turtle Rock Community Park.

Children will audition for parts in the Kids for Kids Theatre production, work on the script, paint backdrops and create their costumes. All participants will receive a part in the play, which will be performed for community members. The cost is $30. For information, call (714) 724-6635. For registration, call (714) 724-6610.


