
LONG BEACH : Police Substation OKd for City’s West Side

The City Council has approved construction of a $5.5-million police substation in west Long Beach, the third such facility to be built in the city since 1993.

At its meeting Tuesday, the council appropriated $2.2 million in Redevelopment Agency funds to buy a two-acre parcel of land on Santa Fe Avenue near Pacific Coast Highway, where the new substation will be built. An additional $3.3 million in agency funds was approved for design, engineering and construction, said Susan F. Shick, executive director of the Redevelopment Agency.

The substations are part of an ongoing effort to provide community-based policing in the city, said police spokesman Josef Levy. When it is completed in mid-1996, the 20,000-square-foot substation will house about 100 officers, he said.


Other substations have been established in North Long Beach and on the east side.
