
Coping With the Weather

Residents should clean up and repair any water damage to their homes as quickly as possible, particularly because more storms may hit later this week.

Here are some tips for dealing with flooding and numbers to call:

* Be cautious

In rural areas of the county, where many homes use septic tanks, residents should be wary of potential health hazards from overflowing tanks. The tanks sometimes fail to function when the ground becomes saturated, causing waste water to leak onto the ground and mix with floodwater. This water may carry organisms that cause illness.

If there is standing water in your garage or any room where you have electrical appliances or outlets, shut off the circuit breaker to that part of the house before cleaning or unplugging electrical cords.


Check the pilot light on your hot water heater if it is in a room that was flooded. If the pilot is out, call Southern California Gas Co. at 1-800-427-2200 for help relighting it.

* Check for damage

If your house has a flat roof, make sure the drainpipes are clear and that there is no standing water on the roof.

If your house is on a hillside, check the house’s foundation and retaining walls for any signs of damage.


If your roof develops a severe leak or sustains a lot of flooding, call your local fire department for help. For emergencies, call 911. For non-emergency help, call the Ventura County Fire Department at 389-9710. Residents of the city of Ventura should call 339-4300. Oxnard residents should call 385-7722, or 486-4311 after hours.

* Clean up

Avoid touching floodwater or objects that have been soaked by floodwater. After cleaning up from the flood, thoroughly wash your hands before preparing or eating food.

If your garage or house was flooded, drain any standing water as soon as possible. Use a portable pump, which may be rented from local equipment rental businesses, or a wet/dry vacuum.


If your house was flooded, sanitize floors, carpets, toys and all other objects that came into contact with floodwater. To sanitize toys and other goods, wash them with hot, soapy water. After rinsing, submerge the objects in a sink full of hot water mixed with a capful of household bleach. Throw out any stuffed toys that were soaked with floodwater.

To clean clothing, curtains, carpets or other home furnishings, wash them thoroughly with soap and water and allow them to dry fully before use.

Canned foods that were touched by floodwater may be used if the cans are disinfected before opening through sterilization with boiling water or with a solution of bleach and water--1 tablespoon bleach per gallon of water. Food in bags, bottles or cardboard packages that got soaked should be thrown out.

* Use sandbags

For best protection, layer sandbags around doors and windows rather than around the perimeters of your property.

If you don’t have sandbags, which are made of burlap or canvas, use plastic bags.

Fill the bags only half full with sand or--if sand is unavailable--with dirt, rocks or mud. Place the bags with the flap tucked under and pointed in the direction of the water or mud’s flow.

Stack the bags on top of each other tightly, with each layer staggered.

* Where to get sandbags and sand

The Ventura County Fire Department provides sandbags to residents who are disabled, elderly or to anyone in an area where flooding is imminent. Call the nearest county fire station or the fire department at 389-9710.


The city of Ventura has unlimited sandbags and sand available to city residents at the city maintenance yard at 336 San Jon Road and at all city fire stations. Call 654-7850 during business hours and 911 after hours.

Oxnard fire stations are providing up to 15 empty sandbags to every Oxnard household. To find the nearest station, call 385-7701.

Gravel, garden supply and home supply stores also carry sand.

* How to care for animals

Pets, horses and other domestic animals should be taken into a shelter prior to flooding. Any animals that get caught in floodwater should be thoroughly bathed before they are allowed near small children. If you have lost pets in the flood or need help retrieving them from a flooded area, call the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department at 388-4341.

* Where to find shelter

American Red Cross evacuation centers have been set up at:

DeAnza Middle School in Ventura, Nordhoff High School in Ojai, Veterans Memorial Building in Fillmore and the Santa Paula Recreation Center. For information, call the Red Cross at 339-2234.

The Salvation Army has opened two shelters at its offices in Oxnard and Ventura. For information, call 1-800-725-9005.

The emergency warming shelter at the Oxnard National Guard Armory will also remain open through the duration of this storm.


* How to help

To donate money to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, send checks to the Ventura County Red Cross, P.O. Box 5850, Ventura, CA 93005. Clothing donations can be made to the Salvation Army and food donations to Food Share Inc. Regional Food Bank of Ventura County.

If you are interested in volunteering to help disaster victims, call the Red Cross at 339-2234 to get training.
