
Company Town : Law Firm Adds Name to Masthead

Ziffren, Brittenham & Branca, one of Hollywood’s leading law firms, is changing its name, adding that of lawyer Samuel Fischer to its masthead.

Fischer, a member of the firm since 1984, has worked with such clients as Morgan Creek, Interscope, Turner Pictures and writers Joe Eszterhas and J.F. Lawton.

* MTV promoted Janet Scardino to the new position of vice president of international marketing.


* Alliance Communications Corp. named Steven Mendelson senior vice president of series and new-media development and Laurie Pozmantier senior vice president of long forms.

* Ralph Farquhar, producer of the television show “South Central,” signed a writer-producer deal with Big Ticket Television.

* Susan J. Petersen will head Riverhead Books, a new publishing imprint under MCA’s Putnam Berkley Group. She joined Putnam last year after working as president of Random House’s Ballantine/Del Rey/Fawcett/Ivy.


* Ollie E. Brown has been named by Dick Clark Productions senior vice president of artists and repertoire for the company’s new Click Records division.


Inside Hollywood

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