
Northridge Mall Reopening Pushed Back to Summer

The earthquake-damaged Northridge Fashion Center has again delayed its reopening, and now plans to open for business this summer.

The shopping center is undergoing extensive repairs and remodeling. Two of its six anchor tenants--the Broadway and Sears, Roebuck & Co. department stores--reopened in November, but most of the mall has been closed since the Northridge earthquake, which struck a year ago today.

The mall’s owner, the Dallas-based MEPC American Properties Inc., had last estimated an April reopening for the main part of the mall, but the company now says that seismic retrofitting and other aspects of the construction process are taking longer than expected.


“Once I swallowed the bitter pill that we weren’t going to be open for Christmas, these other delays have been less frustrating,” said MEPC American President David Gruber. He is telling mall tenants to expect to reopen about July 1, but said the actual date could vary by a few weeks.

The Northridge Fashion Center’s two Robinsons-May department stores are due to open this spring. JC Penney is scheduled to open in June, and the Bullock’s store in July.
