
We could almost hear the violins: A...

We could almost hear the violins: A Westside mom went to pick up her son at the home of an acquaintance who is an actress.

When she knocked, there was no immediate response. Finally the door opened a crack.

“Excuse me,” the actress whispered. “I’m breeding dogs and they’re doing it right now. Wait just a second.”

A few moments passed and the actress opened the door.

“OK,” she announced. “They’re done.”


Metro Wail: A citizens group showed up at the last MTA board meeting and tried to give members T-shirts that said, “Crooked Politicians Build Crooked Tunnels.”


“No one would take one until Mayor Riordan did,” said group spokesman John Walsh. “He even asked us to autograph it. Suddenly the other board members all wanted one, too.”

Walsh’s group, which is demanding a congressional investigation of the Metro Rail project, has also taken gifts to MTA board members in the past.

When Ed Edelman stepped down as board chairman (as well as county supervisor) late last year, Walsh handed him a trophy, which Edelman showed to his colleagues, apparently unaware of the wording. The trophy said: “World’s Worst Chairman.”



P.C. watch: At a Westside movie complex, Ed Riner spotted a politically correct mini-marquee over the theater that was showing, “Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle.”

The abbreviated title said: “Ms. Parker.”


L.A. triviata: Among the milestones listed in historian Ken Schessler’s new book, “A Hollywood Neighborhood Gone to Hell (And Never Comin’ Back),” is a building at 6513 Hollywood Blvd. “Marilyn Monroe had her hair bleached blonde for the first time here in a beauty shop in 1945,” Schessler writes. The significance? Well, without that changeover, Monroe obviously never would have made “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”


St. Louie moves: Driving down Willow Street in Signal Hill, we thought we’d stumbled onto a directional sign for the defecting Rams football team.


Of course, it was pointing in the direction of L.A., so we knew it must have another purpose. Actually, it refers to St. Louis Avenue.

Which reminds us. We assume that Signal Hill will take quick action to strip the street of that name, which is an insult to every Southland football fan.


One politician who kept a promise: U.S. Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas) appeared on CNN’s “Capital Gang” show the day before Sunday’s playoff games and made one pledge. He said there would be an all-California Super Bowl. Now, about a replacement for the Rams. . . .


Albert’s Audio Books in Agoura Hills is named after owner Amy Bell’s one-eyed Rottweiler, Albert. Since Albert likes companionship, Bell has posted a sign that says: “Your food, drink and dogs welcome here.”
