
CAMARILLO : Malathion Spraying Scheduled Tonight

Barring inclement weather, eastern Camarillo residents will undergo the seventh aerial spraying of the pesticide malathion tonight in the ongoing battle to eradicate the crop-destroying Mediterranean fruit fly from the county.

The three helicopters are scheduled to lift off from Camarillo Airport at 9 p.m.--one hour earlier than the 10 p.m. holiday-season take-off time, according to David Buettner, Ventura County deputy agriculture commissioner.

Officials said residents within the 16-square-mile spray zone should cover their cars and keep children and pets indoors while the trio of helicopters releases the sticky combination bait of pesticide and corn syrup.


State and federal pesticide regulations prohibit aerial operations when winds are 10 m.p.h. or higher or when there’s a 50% or greater chance of rain within 24 hours after an area has been sprayed. Neither rain nor high winds are expected Tuesday night, forecasters said.
