
Fund Planned for Donations to Colleges

Money and property donated to the Ventura County Community College District could be deposited into a new fund administered by the Ventura County Community Foundation under a plan expected to be approved by trustees tonight.

The recommendation by Vice Chancellor Jeff Marsee calls for the district to contract with the nonprofit agency to manage cash donations not specifically designated to Moorpark, Oxnard or Ventura colleges.

Previously, even if donations were not earmarked for a specific campus, they were sent to one of the three colleges.


“Supporting local community college education is something people want to do,” said Kate McLean, president of the foundation, which manages endowments and other accounts for more than 90 agencies and private citizens.

“But (donors) may not have a linkage to Moorpark College or Oxnard College,” she said.

“So this creates another vehicle that will attract more gifts.”

Under the agreement, the district would funnel donations to an account that could be drawn upon to fund scholarships or other programs deemed appropriate by the committee in charge of the fund.

The new fund would not replace existing foundations at individual colleges, McLean said.

“This is not an investment strategy for (the district),” she said. “It’s strictly to attract unrestricted resources for community college education in Ventura County.”
