
Orange County Almanac

That funny name attached to one of Irvine’s most affluent communities wasn’t dreamed up by developers.

There actually is a Turtle Rock --a giant rock formation in the heart of the hilly community.

The rock was once an American Indian shrine. In the 1970s, residents rallied to save the rock from being overrun by development.

Their success encouraged preservationists to fight to keep other bits of Irvine’s past from the wrecking ball.


Turtle Rock is one of several rock formations in the area.

The community is on the city’s southwestern edge, near UC Irvine.


UCI Extension will offer a forum on administrative careers in the visual and performing arts.

Dean Corey, executive director of the Orange County Philharmonic Society, will moderate the free event. Panelists will include Tom Tomlinson of the Orange County Performing Arts Center; Betty Tesman, of UCI Lively Arts! and Joel Kabakov of the Yamaha Corp.

The forum will run from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (714) 824-7128 or (714) 824-6335.
