
Abortion Clinic Violence

I join with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles in denouncing the murderous violence at women’s health care clinics in our nation (ad, Jan. 8). I am a Republican woman for choice and I am enraged by the acts of these anarchists. It is outrageous that American women seeking health care and those who provide health care services should fear for their lives. We must not allow these bullies to prevail.

I call on law enforcement and our elected officials to take action against this urgent situation and ensure that no such violence erupts in California. Criminal violence against women must not be tolerated any longer.



* We’re shocked by the stories. A mother drowns her two young boys. Another youth is killed in a drive-by shooting. Two boys murder their parents. Several people are shot at a post office, law office, fast-food eatery, and almost anywhere else. Guns, the media, or parents are being blamed. Let’s look at what many feel is the true underlying factor.


When a society tells its citizens that it’s legal to take the life of one innocent segment of the population, a certain psychological mind-set takes place. People subconsciously decide that it’s all right to kill another human being to settle a problem.

The violence in America will not change until we, as a country, outlaw abortion. Abortion teaches murder. Why should a person feel that human life has intrinsic value when this nation has no respect for 1.5 million baby humans a year? People don’t often admit that what they have done is wrong. They will try and justify any action, even the taking of a human life. (A few pro-lifers are also justifying such actions.)


President of Crusade for Life

Fountain Valley

* There is a simple way to immediately end the intractable strife between the pro- (or laissez-faire) and anti-abortion factions: Have the government approve the “morning-after”/abortion pill (after all, 50 million Frenchmen can’t be wrong!) and insist that it be made widely and economically available in a great variety of venues.


The widespread availability will preclude the shooting up and/or arson/bombing of the distributors, and cause the pro-lifers to give even more stress to their very effective (and very nonviolent) TV and ad campaigns.


Hermosa Beach
