
Needle Exchanges

I read briefly the article about communities having problems setting up free needle exchange programs for junkies (“Few Needle Swaps Exist as HIV Spreads in L.A. County,” Jan. 9). The idea, of course, is to prevent the spread of AIDS through dirty needles.

The problem is acquiring funding from public budgets already stretched near the breaking point trying to provide other services, such as police, fire and libraries. You know, things we expect from government.

However, I believe I have the solution to the problem, which is as elegant as it would be effective. Just make it legal to sell the needles to any adult. The advantages are obvious: The economy receives a boost from manufacturers’ profits, the state collects taxes on both income and sales and it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a penny. Junkies get access to all the clean needles they’d ever need. The disadvantages are no different than the free needle exchange.


Already I can hear the complaints: “If we allow people to buy the needles for drug use, that would encourage illicit behavior!” Oh? I suppose giving needles away for free is meatloaf?


