
SNEAKS ’95 : Trust Us: We’ll Do Better in ’95

Like Ed Koch, we periodically like to ask how we’re doin’. And when it comes to Sneaks predictions, we can hold our heads high and say with a straight face that our track record is . . . extremely mediocre.

Yes, in the 1994 Sneaks issue, we highlighted more than a handful of films that we thought would be big hits and turned out to be, er, not so big.

To refresh your memory, The Times selected “Wolf,” “Crooklyn,” “Wyatt Earp” “It’s Pat” and “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” as among the year’s most highly anticipated. But we didn’t stop there.


Among the other films we suggested would be among the year’s highlights: “The Getaway,” “The House of the Spirits,” “The Cowboy Way,” “Suture,” “The Hudsucker Proxy,” “I Love Trouble,” “Love Affair,” and even “Beverly Hills Cop III.”

We did manage to call it right on “Forrest Gump”--but then again, maybe that’s what’s known as a no-brainer.
