
Airport Plan Calls for a Referendum

The proposed regional airport at Point Mugu is a classic example of a lose-lose proposition for the vast majority of Ventura County residents who are not business owners or politicians.

While one can argue about the magnitude, there is no doubt that the aircraft and automobile traffic to service and utilize such a facility will increase county air pollution and traffic congestion. The physical environment is a clear loser.

This is supposed to be offset by the increased jobs, growth and revenues brought by such an airport. Jobs and growth are essentially synonymous since most of the jobs would not be filled by current county unemployed but by new residents.


The problem is that growth brings pollution, traffic, crowding and crime. I lived in Thousand Oaks in 1966 and doubt that you could find may longtime residents who think that growth has made Thousand Oaks a better place to live.

That leaves the increased revenue for the county. What would it be used for except to service the needs of the increased population? With some exceptions, the county has an adequate road and school system as well as fire and police services. There are plenty of parks, open spaces, recreational facilities, shopping, entertainment and cultural activities. With the problems resulting from increased growth and little need for additional revenue to service the existing population, it too is a loser.

While I do not believe it is either legal or moral to move to a desirable location and then pull up the drawbridge behind me, I also do not believe we need to build a regional airport to accelerate the inevitable growth of Ventura County.


Before the county supervisors so glibly sacrifice the county’s quality of life on the politicians’ altar of growth, they should have the common decency to subject the issue to a countywide referendum.


