
Orange County Almanac

Huntington Beach’s planned Norma Brandel Gibbs Park on Graham Street has fallen victim to the county bankruptcy.

The park was named after the first woman elected to the City Council and was designed as a migration point for monarch butterflies.

The park was expected to open in December. But Community Services Director Ron Hagan said that work on the tiled entryway and plaza area of the park has stopped.


Money to finish the project is tied up in the county’s frozen investment pool and the city is fighting for the return of all the money it has invested. But officials hope to eventually open the park.


Those with arthritis can learn more about the disease by attending the first of six classes offered by the Friendly Hills Health Education Department.

The two-hour courses will give an overview of arthritis and offer tips on how to alleviate its symptoms.


The $25 fee for the course includes a book on the disease. The class will be from 2 to 4 p.m. in Room 200, 1211 W. Lambert Road in La Habra.

Information: (310) 905-4595.
