
Before You Get the Creeps . . .

Advice from experts for those considering a creepy-crawly pet:

* Know what you’re getting into. Go to the library or pet shop for books about the animal. Talk to pet owners. Go to a meeting of the Southwest Herpetologists’ Society, held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Lake View Terrace Recreation Center, 11075 Foothill Blvd., Lake View Terrace, for show-and-tell lectures on reptiles and amphibians. Call the reptile department at the Los Angeles Zoo, (213) 666-4650, Ext. 207, for a preview of animal needs and care. The zoo will also provide a reference list of local vets who treat exotic pets.

* Be ready to invest money in an environment that approximates the animal’s native setting. At WM Adventures, one such mock rain forest setup, which includes a tank, misting system, appropriate plants, rocks and stand, goes for $749.99.

* Look for captive-bred animals, which haven’t endured the stress of leaving home for less hospitable quarters, won’t carry as many exotic parasites and aren’t adding to the depletion of wildlife in their native context.


* Identify food sources in advance. Not every pet store carries the crickets, mealworms, rodents and vitamin supplements an animal may need; not all food markets have the pesticide-free, nutritious varieties of greens many vets recommend.

* Start with an easy to manage animal. Many shops recommend certain pets over others for beginners. WM Adventures suggests frogs and water dragons for starters, and snakes for more experienced owners.
