
BANKING & FINANCE - Feb. 7, 1995

Times Staff and Wire Reports

T-Bill Rates Mixed: The Treasury Department sold $13.8 billion of new three-month bills at an average discount rate of 5.83%, up from 5.79% last week. An additional $13.9 billion of new six-month bills were sold at an average discount rate of 6.10%, down from 6.12%. The three-month bill rate was the highest since the 5.87% of Jan. 9. The six-month bill rate was the lowest since they averaged 5.86% on Nov. 28. The new discount rates understate the actual returns to investors. Those would be 6% for three-month bills, with a $10,000 bill selling for $9,852.60, and 6.38% for a six-month bill selling for $9,691.60. The discount rate reflects the price discount received when government securities are purchased at less than face value.
