
For Alcoholics, ‘Moderation’ Doesn’t Exist

Re “For Drinkers, Is Abstinence All There Is?” (Jan. 31): Who but an alcoholic would want to return to “moderate drinking”? Four martinis a day is moderate?

On June 23, I’ll have 18 years of abstinence. Why on Earth would I risk the life I’ve achieved just so that I can return to counting drinks, my favorite occupation for the 35 years before that?

I have never met a problem drinker who does not secretly believe himself or herself to be one of that 1% who can safely give up abstinence without fear of relapse. I’m not going to take that risk. The odds are absurd.


I feel sorry for the “problem drinkers” who will have a little added hell before they realize they can’t stay with four drinks a day indefinitely, but they are the lucky ones. Some will die chasing that magic number of drinks that will allow them the illusion of control.




Audrey Kishline’s book and attitudes make her every alcoholic’s dream queen.

A friend of our family quit drinking for 15 years without AA or any other outside help and then decided on handling an occasional drink--and went back to full-time drinking with a vengeance that cost job, marriage and alienation from children.

I suspect Kishline, who has not withstood the test of time, uses her book and program as her last holdout for trying to prove to the world the final alcoholic lie. The sadness is that she will bring about the destruction of others.



Los Angeles
