
Tri-Cities Looking at Consolidation

The issue of consolidation at Tri-Cities Municipal Water District is still alive and well, notwithstanding The Times article “Tri-Cities Directors Not Even Close to Calling It Quits” (Feb. 5).

The district’s new board was sworn in at its meeting on Dec. 14. At its next regular meeting, Jan. 11, an ad hoc Consolidation / Member Agency Liaison Committee was formed to address the issue of consolidation as it relates to merging with another wholesale water district, such as Coastal Municipal Water District, a member agency of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).

The June, 1994, Orange County Grand Jury report recommended that the county’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) consolidate Tri-Cities with an MWD wholesale water district--realizing an annual cost saving of $365,460, based on our 1993-94 budget.


After reviewing the grand jury report, the Tri-Cities Board of Directors retained an independent consultant to evaluate the feasibility of consolidating Tri-Cities with the city of San Clemente’s water and waste-water divisions.

In addition, several consolidation scenarios would be considered. The first draft copy of its report was just received by Tri-Cities on Feb. 3. On this same date, Tri-Cities’ directors executed an agreement with RM Associates, a firm that has successfully completed special district consolidations, to act as general manager of the district.

Tri-Cities will thus be the lead agency addressing the consolidation issue and will work closely with LAFCO and other affected agencies in a timely and professional manner.


RAY L. BENEDICKTUS, President, Board of Directors, Tri-Cities Municipal Water District
