
R S V P / ORANGE COUNTY : Under the Dark Sky, Supporters Prepare for a Starry ‘Night’

Party-goers got a behind-the-scenes peek at the upcoming “Night of the Stars” Academy Awards night celebration to be staged by the Assistance League of Newport-Mesa Chapter and Virginia Castle Auxiliary.

About 75 underwriters gathered at the contemporary Newport Beach home of John and Cheryl Jolliffe on Thursday to sip champagne, make plans for the party and open their wallets. The underwriting party, staged by the Newport-Mesa chapter, raised about $40,000 for the second annual “Night of the Stars” to be held March 27.

Stars Come Out

“This is a party house,” said Cheryl Jolliffe, as she stood in the home’s large atrium, where guests had gathered for hors d’oeuvres and drinks. The atrium features a retractable roof that rolled back to reveal the night sky and a slate floor that floats on insulation, to prevent cracking in case of an earthquake. A towering replica of Oscar stood in the corner.


“I brought him over in my Pathfinder,” said Linda Mayeda, chairwoman of the “Night of the Stars.”

Before getting down to business, guests nibbled on roasted lamb chops, potato pancakes topped with caviar and other gourmet treats prepared by Specialty Catering. They then turned their attention to the evening’s real purpose--raising money.

The underwriting party provided a glimpse of the many expenses that go into staging a glitzy bash for more than 500 guests.


At an auction presided by Bill Yingling, who will greet party-goers the night of the big bash, underwriters bid on specific items for the gala--from the rental fee for three towering Oscar replicas ($275) to the napkin rings and confetti ($500). Big-ticket items such as the video and lighting, which cost more than $13,000, were broken up into shares of $500.

By the time Yingling put away his gavel, most items had been snapped up.

Repeat Performance

League members hope this year’s “Night of the Stars” will be as successful as last year’s gala, which netted about $100,000.

“We wanted a party that was new and different--that would make a statement,” said Mary Jean Simpkins, the event’s honorary chairwoman and founder. She and husband Ted underwrote the party at the Jolliffes.


Organizers plan to bring back some of the gala’s winning features. Once again, guests will be treated like Academy Awards nominees. They’ll walk down a red carpet, past bleachers filled with their cheering “fans” played by members of the Assisteens, the league’s junior organization.

Yingling will interview them on closed-circuit TV as they enter the party, and their reactions will be shown on large screens inside for the amusement of other guests.

“We’re attempting to match the glitter and excitement of last year,” Mayeda said.

There will be a few changes, too. This year’s party will move to Bistango restaurant and the Atrium in Irvine, with Bistango catering. Last year’s party was held in the Fashion Island Atrium, which was too small to afford all guests a decent view of the wide-screen TVs that were tuned to the awards ceremony.

The searchlight that lit the skies last year also won’t be back.

“We’re too close to the airport,” Mayeda said. “But we will have glitzy lighting.”

With the underwriters footing the bill for the party, proceeds from “Night of the Stars” can go directly to the league’s programs for children, including day care; a dental care program; Operation School Bell, which provides clothes to needy children, and Kids on the Block, the league’s educational puppet program. Ticket prices to the gala are $100 per person and available through the league office at (714) 645-6929.

Among the guests at the underwriting party were: John and Trish O’Donnell, “Night of the Stars” honorees, who presented a check for $25,000 for the league; Virginia Knott Bender, last year’s honoree; Jane Kingsley, president of the Newport-Mesa chapter, and husband Jerry; Betty Finnigen, Dennis and Marion Pickens, Ronnie Allumbaugh, Dale and Joanne Johnston, Maddie Mielke and Elsa Rosene.
