
Diet Chips

Auburn Farms’ Barbecue Flavored Spud Bakes won the people’s choice award at the 57th annual convention of the National Nutritional Foods Assn. in Sacramento, Calif., a few weeks back. Interesting. They crunch like potato chips and do have a true potato flavor, though a real potato chip lover will miss the poignant bite of salt crystals on the roof of the mouth and the soothing spread of oil. Those who are cutting down on salt and fat, of course, will be glad not to feel any of that. In health food stores.

The Midnight Frying Oil

“Midnight Snacks: The Cookbook That Glows in the Dark” (Random House, 1994) is possibly the first cookbook ever written by a mother-and-son team--Carol Schneider (author of “Fresh! A Greenmarket Cookbook”) and her college-age offspring Andrew. Most recipes adhere to their basic rules of midnight snacking: no more than six (6) ingredients, two (2) major cooking utensils and 15 minutes for preparation, and whoever makes it cleans up. Now, $15 may seem a lot to pay for a little 80-page book, no matter how well thought out, but the cover really does glow in the dark, which could be handy.

A Time for Protein

Domino’s says ever since the Republicans won the election, meat-topped pizza orders have gone up 32% in the Washington metropolitan area.

Tuna War Rages On

Spanish tuna fishermen have gotten government approval of a special label to distinguish canned tuna caught by the traditional Spanish method of pole and line from the mass-caught fish of French, English and Irish purse seiners. Nobody doubts that the pole and line method produces better fish, but it’s also more expensive, and time will tell whether the Spanish market is willing to pay the higher price (60% of the French tuna harvest is exported to Spain).


Tempest in a Bean Pot

Kidney beans are not red beans, though a lot of them are dark red (others are pink or even white, such as the Italian cannellini). The main thing about them is that they’re kidney-shaped; red beans, which are the basis of of New Orleans’ famous Monday dish, red beans and rice, are oval. Basically they taste and cook the same.

which are the basis of New Orleans’ famous Monday dish, red beans and rice, are oval. Basically they taste and cook the same.
