
Questioning Candidates, Cost of Race

Ross Johnson had the fifth-worst attendance record in the state Assembly (third worse among Republicans), and he is being recalled by voters in his own Assembly district. And now hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent to convince us to make him our new state senator.

And shame on your newspaper for failing to remind Orange County voters of Mr. Johnson’s behavior, work habits and miserable attendance and voting record.

Supervisor (Marian) Bergeson is supporting Johnson, but perhaps it’s time for her to rethink supporting him. If county staff were always absent, I doubt she would want to promote them. Giving Ross Johnson four more years would be like suggesting Bob Citron as the new CEO. Clearly, the best man for the job is a woman--Assemblywoman Doris Allen.



Newport Beach

* Orange County, beware! Just when we thought it was safe to leave the politics of hate behind, we are confronted by a politician with outdated beliefs: Gil Ferguson. Now Ferguson is seeking higher office by running for the 35th state Senate seat. On Election Day, March 14, Orange County residents will decide whether they will elect a man who once authored a resolution in the Assembly that stated: “It is simply untrue that Japanese Americans were interned in concentration camps during World War II.”

It is appalling to think that in 1995, we are faced with a politician with such outdated beliefs. Once and for all, let’s send a message to Ferguson and the world that the politics of racial hatred will not be tolerated in Orange County.



* Boy oh boy! Here we go again! Imagine this . . . upon checking with the county registrar of voters, I was informed that the cost to the taxpayers to hold the March 11 special primary election will be $350,000. This is to elect just one state senator in senatorial District 35 to fill the term of Marian Bergeson, who resigned to move over to the position of county supervisor.


I cannot understand this flagrant waste of funds, especially with the county in tragic bankruptcy. I was told that the county was appealing to the state for reimbursement. It still is paid by our taxes. I’m for getting out to vote. But at this cost? Ridiculous! What can we do to eliminate this costly foolishness?



* It was interesting to read Mike Palitz’s comments about his experience in politics thus far. I was especially interested in his comments regarding the endorsement he sought from the California Teachers Assn.

As the chairperson for the Orange Service Center Council I sat on the panel (not a forum) that conducted the interviews of the candidates for the vacated state Senate seat. As a panel we make a recommendation to the locals who are in that Senate seat’s area, The locals then vote as to whether or not to accept that recommendation. Then it goes to the State Council of Education where it is voted on again.


Does this sound like a process where “the association” had already decided to back Doris Allen?

What is more interesting is that I sat there all day on Jan. 28 and asked questions, listened to answers and evaluated information. Mr. Palitz was not there to be interviewed. So the question is: Who was rebuffed?


Chair, Orange Service Center Council,

California Teachers Assn.
