
DISCO NIXON by Marilyn Werden &...

DISCO NIXON by Marilyn Werden & David Arenson (Fireside: $10.95; 239 pp., illustrated, paperback original). The questions in this book of ‘70s trivia tests range from Morris the Cat and “Blacksploitation” flicks to the Osmonds and the Watergate Conspirators. The authors pay special attention to the mindless lyrics of the era (“songs you’re going to hate us for reminding you of”), although it seems unkind to disinter memories of Disco Tex and His Sex-O-Lettes. Readers who regard “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” as literature and Burt Reynolds movies as entertainment will adore this evocation of the ‘70s, a time of which Gertrude Stein might have said, “There was no then then.”
