
Williamson and McNulty Wed

Dr. Ruth Chandler Williamson, daughter of Alyce and Warren Brooks Williamson of Pasadena, was married Feb. 25 to Thomas Joseph McNulty Jr. of Pasadena. He is the son of Delores and Thomas McNulty Sr. of San Marino.

The couple was wed at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Montecito with Msgr. Clement Connolly officiating. A reception was held at a Williamson family beach home in Sandyland Cove in Carpinteria. The couple is honeymooning in the Caribbean.

The bride attended Polytechnic School in Pasadena and San Marino High School. She did her undergraduate work at UC Santa Barbara and received her medical degree from USC School of Medicine. She recently completed a four-year medical residency at USC in radiation oncology.


The groom, a doctor of pharmacology, did his undergraduate work at University of the Pacific and received his doctorate at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. He is vice president and national director of clinical services for Corum Health Care. He is also a consultant in home health care.

The bride’s great-great-grandfather was Gen. Harrison Gray Otis, who was publisher of The Times from 1882 to 1917. She is great-granddaughter of Harry Chandler, Otis’ son-in-law, who was publisher from 1917 to 1944, and the granddaughter of Ruth Chandler, Harry Chandler’s daughter, for whom she is named.

The bride’s father is chairman of Chandis Securities of Pasadena and a director of Times Mirror Co., the parent company of the Los Angeles Times.


The groom’s father was president and CEO of Peterson Manufacturing Co. Inc. of Los Angeles; he is now retired.
