
Easing Onto a Cruise Ship

Cruise Line Inc., a cruise discount and information company, has published a free “Guide to First-Time Cruising.” The booklet answers some of the most commonly asked questions, such as shipboard safety, activities, seasickness, shipboard dress codes and 14 money-saving tips for selecting the best cruise. For a copy, call (800) 777-0707.


The Kissimmee-St. Cloud resort area, adjacent to Orlando, Fla., has published a comprehensive booklet that lists 175 area hotels and motels with photographs of each property and easy-to-read keys to the facilities. Senior discounts are listed for each one. There is also a listing of theme parks, water parks, evening attractions, museums, miniature golf areas, shopping malls and tourist attractions that offer discounts. For a free copy call Monday-Friday, (800) 831-1844, Ext. 230, and ask for a free “Tour & Travel Sales Guide.”


A 48-page brochure available from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., gives helpful information on visitor services, interpreters, parking, entrances and special tours for people with disabilities. The information is also available in Braille and on audiocassette. For a copy, write to Smithsonian Information, SI 153 MKRC 010, Washington, D.C. 20560.



Ballroom Dancers Without Partners is an organization for single men and women over 50 who enjoy dancing. The parent company, Luxury Worldwide Cruises and Tours, organizes ballroom dances with cruises to various destinations. Participants have choices of cabins on cruise ships. There are no membership fees. Scheduled cruises:

* A three-night cruise leaves April 21 on the M.V. Royal Majesty with visits to Nassau, the Bahamas and Key West, Fla.

* A seven-night cruise begins Aug. 26, on the Regal Princess, cruising Alaska’s Inside Passage.


* A fall foliage cruise departs Oct. 13-21 aboard the M.S. Westerdam from New York City to Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada.

Future sailings will be added periodically. For a brochure, call (800) 778-7953.
