
A summary of selected City Hall actions...

A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* HOUSING PROJECT--Authorized the Housing Department to issue $2.8 million in loans to A Community of Friends for the construction of the Gower Street Apartments, a 55-unit affordable-housing project at 1140 N. Gower St. The group, a nonprofit development corporation, will rehabilitate and reconfigure an existing four-story, 27-unit apartment building into 54 efficiency units and a single one-bedroom unit, which will be rented to mentally disabled people. Tenants will pay about $200 a month in rent; the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will provide a matching $200-a-month subsidy to cover each unit’s full cost. The apartment complex will offer tenants a variety of physical, psychological and medical services, and will provide training in budgeting and in food preparation. Construction is scheduled to begin in November and be completed by March, 1996.

* ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’--Approved the closure of the eastbound lanes of Constellation Avenue between Century Park East and Avenue of the Stars on April 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. for the premiere of the stage play “Beauty and the Beast” at the Shubert Theatre.


* FALSE ALARMS--Gave preliminary approval to an ordinance that would lower from four to two the number of false alarms by warning devices in homes or businesses allowed during a 12-month period before an $80 fine would be imposed. The ordinance, endorsed by the Police Department, is an effort to lower the 150,000 false alarms police responded to last year. According to a department report, officers spend 18% of their time responding to false alarms. Several council members expressed concern that the ordinance will discourage some people from having alarms.


Passed: 9-5.

Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Jackie Goldberg, Ruth Galanter, Mark Ridley-Thomas.

Voting no: Nate Holden.
