
NEWPORT BEACH : Panel Puts Limits on Cemetery Plans

The Planning Commission has imposed a list of conditions on the owners of Pacific View Memorial Park, which is proposing an expansion of facilities at its graveyard.

The panel also told owners of the cemetery last week to return with a revised plan April 20 that incorporates a host of changes the commission wants. While the cemetery owners do not propose to alter the boundaries of the graveyard, they want to add community and family mausoleums, a garden crypt, a maintenance building, garage and sales office, and several roads.

Residents of Spyglass Hill and Broadmoor Sea View oppose the expansion, saying putting mausoleums into the views from these expensive homes would bring down property values.


The commission told cemetery officials to:

* Move new mausoleums as close to the hills as possible and landscape above and around them to screen them from the residences.

* Guarantee at least three years between construction phases, to maintain the peace of the neighborhood.

* Eliminate family crypt areas.

Commissioner Gary Pomeroy warned residents not to push too hard now that the commission has partially sided with them and requested limited changes.


“While this plan is not exactly what the residents have asked for, it’s inconceivable to me that any businessman can expect that the residents around him could design his project,” he said.

Residents had asked that all mausoleums be put on the other side of the cemetery, which overlooks the San Joaquin Reservoir, out of view from homes.
